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Mitul Shah

Associate Director


Mitul Shah

Associate Director


Mitul Shah joined the Pioneer Selection team in 2013, currently holding the esteemed position of Associate Director. His journey into recruitment is as unique as it is memorable, beginning with a chance encounter with Beau, another Associate Director at Pioneer, at a bar. A night of karaoke and camaraderie led to an interview invitation for Mitul the following Monday, setting the stage for what would become a remarkable career in recruitment. This serendipitous meeting turned professional opportunity highlights the unconventional paths that can lead to significant career milestones. Mitul's story embodies the dynamic and personable nature of the recruitment industry, where connections made in the most unexpected settings can shape one's professional journey. His contributions to the company since then have been invaluable, underscoring the importance of openness to new experiences and the potential they hold.